Zakat and Tax Appeals “Objections”

Compliance Services and Annual Zakat and Tax Filing Procedures



Compliance services and annual procedures for filing Zakat and tax appeals are vital elements for any business. Al-Taba’a Professional Consulting, licensed by the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authorityalso offers comprehensive services to ensure full compliance with regulations.


As Zakat is one of the cornerstones of Islam, adhering to its legislation is an obligation for businesses operating in the Kingdom. A clear understanding of the payment requirements is essential to avoid any hesitation and ensure compliance.

Zakat and Income Tax Services

  1. Prepare zakat and tax returns:
    • Comprehensive zakat and tax reporting.
    • Review the detailed schedules that are integrated with the return.
  2. Filing and follow-up:
    • Submit declarations as well as supporting documents via the online portal.
    • Informing taxpayers of payment deadlines.
    • Follow up with the Authority to obtain the final zakat certificate.
  3. Issuance of certificates:
    • Issuing letters of release and letters of facilitation.
  4. Queries and responses:
    • Responding to the Authority’s inquiries, including reviewing and scrutinizing documents.
    • Assist in preparing supporting data to respond to inquiries.
  5. Review and discussion:
    • Audit of different sectors in the organization.
    • Discuss the client’s Zakat position with officials.
    • Receiving and reviewing the Authority’s letters.
  6. Continuous support:
    • Provide ongoing specialized support in Zakat and tax matters.
    • Keeping customers informed of the latest updates from the Zakat and Income Tax Authority.

Objection and Appeal Procedures

  1. Prepare responses:
    • Assist in preparing responses to inquiries from the Authority and relevant committees.
    • Review and approve the data before submitting.
  2. Memorandum of objection:
    • Prepare memorandums of objection to the estimates issued by the Authority.
    • Representing clients before objection and appeal committees.
  3. Letters and resumes:
    • Submit letters of objection as well as letters of appeal to the General Secretariat of the Tax Committees.
  4. acting:
    • Representing taxpayers in objection hearings before the Secretariat.
  5. Dealing with decisions:
    • Receive committee decisions on behalf of the client.
    • Provide a technical opinion on decisions.
    • Objections

Zakat consultations

  1. Review of contracts:
    • Review contracts to examine zakat and tax impacts.
    • Provide a technical opinion.
  2. Provide data:
    • Submitting contract data forms on behalf of taxpayers.
  3. Inquiries and advice:
    • Provide technical advice on Zakat and tax inquiries.
  4. Field assistance:
    • Attend tax inspection visits as well as Zakat field visits.
  5. Special facilities and letters:
    • Assistance in obtaining special facilities, such as letters of release of withheld funds.
    • Objections

Finally, for more details about Zakat and tax appeals, you can contact us.

Contact us

Mobile number

+966 50 388 1100


+966 13 855 5565



Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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